Girl ScoutsCadette, Senior & Ambassador Recognitions

Girl Scouts 411

Scout Level Cadette, Senior, Ambassador recognition placement on vest or sash  Recognitions Awards & Patches
Cadette, Senior, Ambassador Levels
  • Community Service Bar (blue or burgundy)
  • Cookie pin
  • Girl Scout Community Service Bar green:only earned once)
    Cadette blue community service pin    Burgundy community service pin     Cookie pin     Green Girl Scout Community Service Pin
  • Silver Award
  • PA pin
  • PA patch (silver)
    • Leadership in Action (LiA) patches
      • Brownie Quest Mentor
      • WOW, Wonders of Water
      • MEdia
  • Amaze Journey: Interact, Diplomat, Peacemaker
  • Breathe Journey
  • MEdia Journey
  • Studio2B
  • Community Service Bars (blue and/or green)
  Cadette Silver Award     Cadette PA Pin     Cadette PA Patch           Cadette LiA Quest Mentor Patch     Cadette WOW Wonders of Water LiA Patch     Cadette Media LiA Patch       Cadette Journey Patch  Cadette Breathe Patch  Cadette Media Set Patch     Silver Career Award     Silver 4Bs     Cadette blue community service pin     Cadette blue community service pin
  • Gold Award
  • PA pin
  • PA patch (gold)
  • Studio 2B Awards
  • Community Service Bars (burgundy and/or green)
 Gold Award      Gold PA Pin      Gold PA Patch          Gold Career Award    Gold 4Bs Studio 2B award    Gold Studio 2B Leadership Award    Burgundy community service pin
  • Girl Scout Challenge pin
  • Visionary Journey/patch/pin
  • Sisterhood Journey/patch/pin
  • Sow What Journey/patch/pin
  Senior Challenge Pin     Senior Visionary Patch    Senior Sisterhood Patch    Sow What Patch
  • Advocate Journey/patch/pin
  • Bliss Live It! Give It! Journey/patch/pin
  • Justice Journey/patch/pin
Ambassador Advocate Patch    Bliss It! Give It!    Ambassador Justice Patch