Girl Scout Leadership Award
- 3 Interest Projects,covering each section of the Law
- Earn"Uniquely Me - The Real Deal" Studio 2B Charm
- Complete 15 hours in a leadership role childcare/babysitting does not count). Leadership means self-directed, adult facilitated/supervised yet independently done teaching or supervising a skill to others.
- Journal your experience to discuss with your advisor
Girl Scout Silver Career Exploration Award
- Follow "Go for It," The Girl Scout Silver Award Studio 2B insert, and answer
- Who's out there?
- What's out there?
- Earn Your Own Business Interest Project patch
Girl Scout Studio 2B 4Bs Challenge Award
- Become
- Belong
- Believe
- Build
- Become
- Set goals for yourself-improvement
- Belong
- Earn the Studio 2B charm: Looking In, Reaching Out
- Believe
- Identify a school or community issue. Find out more about it and use your voice to address it.
- Build
- Focus on a solution to address the problem
Girl Scout Silver Award
All previous requirements must be met before you can start your Silver Award
- Earn all of the above recognitions
- Meet with an advisor to plan a service project in which the combined planning and execution takes 40 hours.
- For more information, refer to these web sites:
- Girl Scout Central: Girl Scout Silver Award
- Good to Great Projects
- GSCCC Silver Award Document
Fill out the report form and send it to council.